Biomechanical Baseball Society To Hold Virtual Convention

When Dr. Glenn Fleisig started studying biomechanics in baseball players, there wasn’t much thought of creating a society for baseball biomechanists. There wasn’t enough people studying it outside the American Sports Medicine Institute, where Fleisig works, to form a society.
Since then, the numbers have grown significantly. Over the past decade, biomechanical analysis has taken on a larger role in baseball training and player development. Wednesday night, biomechanists will take another step forward.
Beginning July 15 at 6 p.m. ET, the American Baseball Biomechanics Society will hold its inaugural conference. Because of the coronavirus pandemic, it will be a three-day virtual conference held over Zoom each night.
Topics to be discussed include emerging technologies for marker-less motion capture, the use of force plates, wearables and internal measurement units and the biomechanics in Major League Baseball.
The ABBS was formed this year in an effort to spread knowledge of the best practices in biomechanics and help set standards for biomechanical evaluations and analysis in baseball.
Speakers at the virtual conference will include ABBS President Fleisig, Brewers Director of Integrative Sports Performance Dr. Bryson Nakamura, White Sox Senior Biomechanical Engineer Ben Hansen and Orioles Player Performance Facilitator Ethan Stewart, as well as an array of additional researchers and biomechanists.
A full list of speakers/topics is available here as well as a link to sign up to attend. More information on the American Baseball Biomechanics Society is available on its website.
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